Flooring Solutions

Your Experienced Partner in Floor Renovations

We’ve been installing flooring for 25 years and choose to work with the Elastilon underlay and wooden flooring system - a unique install product from Europe for residential and commercial applications, including home fitness rooms and basketball flooring.

Rejuvenating hardwood floors is a demanding project. Flooring renovations, such as sanding, staining, and sealing wood takes planning, outcomes discussions, and loads of patience.

At Riaans Designs, we know that the education of our customers is critical, to ensure the best choices before starting the job.

Always sand the floor before sealing. Sanding opens the grain and allows the sealer to penetrate, but the open grain means the wood is vulnerable to moisture in the air, which can swell or discolor it.

Any stain used to change color must penetrate the wood so it goes on before the sealer. Stains do not do the job of a sealer. Stains consist mostly of pigments and solvents that quickly evaporate, so it is vital to seal as soon as the stain is dried.

Some species of wood are not meant to be stained. Floors made from maple, birch, and coniferous woods like pine and fir are difficult to stain evenly. Variations in pore wall density, fibers that contain resin or sap, tight-grained woods are all considerations as the stain can blotch or mottle. Once you understand the intricacy of staining a large, uninterrupted floor area, the idea of rather applying a clear - coat finish can be the preferred option. It is critical that the texture of your wood floor be totally consistent and uniform before applying the stain.


Sealing with oils or sealing with polyurethane are options to be discussed. At least two coats should be applied if selecting an oil sealant, allowing the first coat to dry for 24 or 48 hours. Sealing with an oil or water-based polyurethane requires pouring and dragging, with an eye, to ensure no bubbles form during application. Three coats are necessary, and drying time depends on the product used, but generally, water-based products take about two hours to dry, while oil-based ones take up to 24 hours to dry.

Riaan knows that every wood floor is an investment, and looking after it is vital to ensure your investment lasts for decades. Give us a call and schedule your FREE home inspection - let’s discuss which options and products are best for your home.

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